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the present;

Monday, June 2, 2008 Y 3:45 AM

Finally... the laptop is mine!!
My mum has been hogging it for... i dunno how long lah...
As a result, i haven't blogged in ages.. Muahaha:D
So, have you peops tried out my recipe yet??
Don worry choo jia, you won't die:P
I am so happie..
My parents are taking me and my sisy on a cruise this Sunday...
We are going to Penang and Phuket:D:D
Don miss me too much... haha:)
Okie.. gonna eat alr:D
Yum Yum... :0

{#1. Fan of PIGS}

Saturday, May 24, 2008 Piggy In A Blanket:) Y 5:58 AM

Hellos everyone... Woo hoo!! Its finally the June Holidays!! All the waiting... I figured that it would be good to give all you pig-lovers recipie for a "piggy in a blanket". I am in love with them, so, you should be too!!

Here we go...



Yaay... BTW, my birthday is on the 24th of November... hehe:) (hint..hint..)


{#1. Fan of PIGS}

Thursday, May 22, 2008 HOMEWORK Y 10:36 PM

hellos everyone... welcome to my newly designed blog by chooj... this is another copy of the homework list that is on the class blog. Though the one on the class blog is better:D See you guys when school reopens...


1. Geography
~(1c)-pg 17(questions 1-4) and 37(questions 1-3)(self-reading)

2. English
~reading portfolio(must include the following:)
-a contents page to record titles
-3 book reviews(all books must be borrowed from the library)
-not less than 150 words
-bar code
-call number
-summary of book(at least 100 words)
-the most interesting part of the story(at least 100 words)
-the character i like most and why(at least 100 words)
~50 expressions(its in the handout)
-descriptions of ppl
-descriptions of attire
-descriptions of feelings
-descriptons of settings
-descriptions of actions
-any other words/phrases/expressions you think are interesting
~IT project on supermums
~preperation for trinity guild hall exam

3. Science
~Questa Club Activity(practical investigation)<5>

4. Math
1) Log on to http://www.heymath.com/ using your password and id which is your ic no.
2) then click on followed by
3) complete the tests before the duedates on the list

~online tests
-log in every week to check on new tests
-each test will include instructons on the marks,topic,duration and duedate
-submit fully worked out answers on hardcopy when school reopens
-access to some lesson thingy
-feedback will be given on your work when the duedate is over


Geography-------------------------- first geog lesson when school reopens
Reviews -------------------------- 27 June
IT Project-------------------------- 27 June
Preparation for trinity guild hall exam- 23 June
Science Questa Club Activity-------- 23 June
Math------------------------------- Depending on homework list on the website

{#1. Fan of PIGS}

Friday, May 9, 2008 Y 5:40 AM

WOO HOO! Yesterday was the 2.4 run and i passed it!! Yeah... okay.. maybe i didn't do that well. i got 18mins and the passing mark was like 18.40... hehe! so.. i suck at running... anyway, it is good enough for me!!

I am soooooooooooooooo happy!!!!!!!! Choo Jia is talking to me!!! Yaaay... ok, i know i sound weird and "p2ish" but, joy to the world!!! lalalala... I am as happy as a lark!!! wooo.....

hai... Monday and Tuesday are marking days. nth to do except sleep... hahas... no lah, just kidding! got NDP Dance Prac... so sad... cannot sleep alr... okie... gonna play computer games now... so sien(if i spelt it correctly:D)

{#1. Fan of PIGS}

Wednesday, April 30, 2008 Y 11:38 PM

i am sooo sad. i seriously don't wanna come to school anymore. i hate everyone!! including myself... what is going on??? i didn't do anything wrong!!! i just wanna die, die, die!!!!

{#1. Fan of PIGS}

Friday, March 28, 2008 Y 6:52 AM

aaaaahhhhhh......... i can't get hold of a good tagboard for my blog!!! sorry ppl... anyway... i don think anyone visits my blog:( i cried buckets just know... mie own personal reasons! hahas. see ya:p

{#1. Fan of PIGS}

Saturday, March 15, 2008 Y 1:51 AM

hiya every1!! it is finally Saturday!! woo hoo... sadly, we had choir prac. 2day. not that i don't like choir... it's just that we were there, singing, for 6 hours!!!!!!!!! now, i am sick:( i puked just now and i keep feeling faint and nausea.. so sad! byeee for now

{#1. Fan of PIGS}

to piggy world

you're @ piggy-in-a-blanket.blogspot.com

welcome to my blog!it's all pig-ged up!

enjoy ur stay!and do leave ur footsteps on my tagboard!


profile ;)
pigs are perfect; just like me.

deesha menon♥
polka dotian♥
class chatter box?

links ;
teleport through mud!

click {here} for the links.

credits ;
Designer: xconfusedd
Image Hosting: Photobucket
Tagboard: Cbox
Song: Imeem
Image: Timothy(: ; Photoshop CS3 Extended